Job Process

As I mentioned in my earlier blogs, don ot have a job anymore. Consequently, I've been looking for one. The moment I decided to move on, I started the hunt. Opened the paper (actually started buying the Sunday paper!), searched the web, started networking.

The first hurdle I had to overcome was my resume. It's been ages since I put one together. But put one together I did. My rude awakening came when I realized what I put together was not acceptable. The resume as I knew it has undergone so many changes in the last 4 years that listing your education and job experiences was not enough. I had to undergo close to half a dozen revisions of my resume, has to enumerate my skills, detail my most recent work experience without making it a long read, and put all these in a single page. And that wasn't enough.

The job market here is very competetive. For one job opening, there are hundreds of applicants. Can you imagine the hiring manager going through tons of resume? No wonder everyone put an emphasis on making your resume stand out. And quickly is the key word - stand out quickly! As these people have no time to read all these resumes. So here I go again, refining my resume to show only the applicable skills the job is requiring. It can get crazy.

The interview process was interesting for me. It was also very confusing. Everytime I prepare myself for the ubiquitous question - Tell me about yourself - I never get asked. Then there are those who tell you to be this, and do this, and that, to ace an interview. Confusing. So I just decided to be me. Heck, if they don't like my answer then we're not a good fit. So be it!

What worried me most is all the frustration and anger from the previous job would be seen throught the interview. I must admit, there were no two ways about certain questions, and I may haev let the cat out of the bag. Oh well.

The waiting was agonizing. For the second interview, for any response. Even waiting for a good opening to come out. Ay!

All through it all, it is a learning experience. It's amazing how the internet plays such a pivotal role in job search and selection. How faster the turn around time for such a process. Amazing.

There are so many jobs out there. Now that I can pick, I will.


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