Short Summer

Summer 2004 is a bit different from the last summers here in California. Firstly, it isn't as hot as previous summers. We've had weeks and weeks of unusually cooler-than-normal summer weather. I'm not complaining about this part. It actually is a reprieve from the dry, hot, hot, hot summers of past.

What I've noticed, though is the days are getting shorter fast. Gone are the sunsets at 8pm. This is the part where I wish would delay itself, just a tiny bit. I like driving home from work with the sun on my face (it literally does, I drive westward going home). I like getting home and being able to squeeze in more outdoor activities in my day. Makes me feel more productive.

I heard someone say that they really get energy and happines from the sun. When they are deprived of the sun, they are gloomy and down. I can relate. The sunshine in California is one of the positive aspects of living here. I grew up in the tropics, I can't imagine life without sunshine. Even in Winter, I search for the sun and stand in its rays. I'm glad the sun shines in California for the most part of the year.

Inevitably, Fall will be here, then Winter, then Spring. Then the SUN!


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