Blessings! (Thanksgiving 2006)


It's been almost a month since I've been here. It's good to be back.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. This year, I have a lot to be thankful for and I am truly blessed!

I write this in the confines of my kitchen in my own apartment. Yes, I've branched out and have stepped up on my own. It was surreal at first (and I think it still is even after 2 weeks) having a place to call my own. Utility bills in my name, who'd have thought?

I got this place through an ad. Mrs M (my landlady) reminded me of Lola - old and getting up there in age, but nice, and shrewd. But nice. I left Mrs M that day with the thought of "This is it!" after months of carefully scanning South Bay and a box of cookies. After a week of applications, credit checks and learning, I drove down the coast on Palos Verdes West on a beautiful Friday sunset and got the keys to my apartment. Wow!

Next thing I was worried about was furniture - I had none to my name. Thankfully, uncle came to the rescue. He gave me my king sized bed and a sofa set. Wow!

Now, how do I move all these stuff I suddenly acquired - not to mention the ones I've accumulated these past 6 years? Thank goodness for friends, new and old. And hopefully lifelong ones. We did it one Sunday in one move with a UHaul 10 footer, a pick up and 2 cars. Wow!

Everybody - those who are close to me and those not - have been very supportive. At first I couldn't understand it. Until I realized, being on your own is truly a rite of passage. A friend at the gym reminded me, some just do it sooner than others. Water seeks its own level, as he phrased it.

At the work front, I've gotten my annual review. My supervisor passed me. I only have to wait until the 7th to officially be out of probation. Wow!

As I sit here and glare at my living room still in chaos and full of boxes, I am full of awe. Wow. I am truly thankful for all the opportunities that have come my way. And I look further out my window to the lights glistening at the port, Wow! Wish you could all see.......


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