Yes, I Still Have It

I had to write this down to remind me I still can....

As I lugg my suitcases at the Flyaway Van Nuys station, a porter comes up to me and simply says, "You're beautiful." He said it with such seroiusness, I was taken aback. I stopped to look at his face for any signs of play. I couldn't find any. Nor could I find it in his voice. He wasn't rude, just gently talking to me. Usually, I'd be annoyed because by this time, men would be playing games. But not this time. He continued doing his job, helping others, too, and talking to me. So I let my ego soar.

Today, I went to Rite-Aid to fill a prescription for my conjunctivitis (a present from Manila). I saw a guy in a white SLK Mercedes Benz slow down at the parking lot to look at me. This I ignored. Inside Rite-Aid, while waiting for my prescription, I was going through the aisles looking for other stuff I needed. I saw the man in the Mercedes in the liquor aisle. He says Hello, I say Hi back and keep moving. He comes forward and asks if I would have dinner with him. My mind was shouting, "And who do you think you are?!!!!" I told him that was nice of him to ask but I'm seeing someone - I couldn't think of another way to say no. Then he does the unthinkable - hands me a piece of paper with his name and number, saying, "Just in case I get lucky, call me."


Yes, my ego is floating. Yes, I guess I still have it. And yes, just when I don't expect it.


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