Mean It

"Say YES when you mean YES and NO when you mean NO." Matthew 5:37

'I'll call you' seems to be the phrase of the day, week, month or year for me. I've been hearing this from my friends, right and left, since my world came tumbling down on me. Mind you, I'm still waiting for that call.

Has this phrase lost its meaning? its value? Has it been relegated to the status of the 'Hi. How are you?' greeting everyone gives as they walk down the corridor and keep walking?

Or have people become callous and careless? Or is this a reflection of the person saying this - not trusting himself or herself, or even worse really have low self-esteem? Have we lost the meaning of INTEGRITY?

I don't start my writing with verses from the Bible. It just strikes me as this is the reading for the day. This is a verse Jesus uttered - a directive from God. Are we not listening? Or have we yet to go back to church to hear God's word? However, I do have regular church-going friends that have yet to mean what they say.

Or is it a uniquely Filipino trait? Is it really out of fear of hurting the other person that Filipinos do this? But if one is waiting for nothing, isn't that hurtful, too?

This is why I love living in America and mingling with american born and/or raised people. They say what they mean and are unabashed about it. Nothing to be shy about.

Living can really be simple.


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