Go Away!

I have had the freaking Cough since Wednesday last week. It's never been like this before. When I get the cold or cough, I'd make my chicken soup, stock up on Ricola, drink tea, sleep through the weekend and by Monday I was ready to go. This time it's been a week. Chicken soup and all, I couldn't make it go away! I stay away from any medication, prescribed or over-the-counter. But I had get and over-the-counter cough suppresant and expectorant to help me fight this! For someone not favoring medication, I took a double dose of Mucinex the moment I got my hands on it. Boy did I feel the medication circulate my body.

Though I feel better as each day passes, I still went to the doctor today. As I suspected, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary as the doctor just poked me in the ear, mouth and nose. He declared my mucus membranes swollen, wrote up a prescription and off I went. I hope the prescription helps. Coughing is tiring. Go away!


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