
The rule is: what are the things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal… and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

This tag has been hanging, waiting for me to respond, for weeks now. I didn't want to half-hazardly answer the tag question. I wanted to really think about it. It came the transition period where I really had to think things through. Good timing.

Here are five things, in no particular order:

1. Watching a movie alone. I couldn't do ths in Manila. Either your friends would look at you with an expression like you came from Mars, or you'd be sitting beside some maniac. Here, I feel safe. and nobody really cares.

2. Taking a drive with Ricky (or sometimes alone). Beside the fact that he drives for a living, we both lower our stress levels by just taking my little Honda and driving. We ususally have a final destination in mind, but we stop when we see things along the road that we like to experience.

3. Cooking. Proven to significantly lower my stress level. I guess the focus and the structure of cooking helps me unwind. And seeing the result of your work is a reward in itself.

4. Reading. There is something about transporting yourself in another place, another time, in another person's shoes that is magical.

5. Writing. Though some might see it as work, I don't (unless it is work related). Again another rewarding activity - seeing your ideas come to life in words. I just have to do it more often.

Now I dont have 5 friends with blogs to tag, so whoever I have will do. Agu & Jamie, you're tagged!


  1. hey renee!

    i want to think this through a lot too before i reply. hehe. napaisip ako bigla e. hahahaha.

    anyways, will email you when i've posted my answers on my blog.

    take care!

    miss ya!



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