
After much debate in my head, I have to admit - I am a List kind of person. Lists serve as a guide for me, not a contract. I'm not tied to my list. It doesn't devastate me when there are some things not crossed off on my list (I think). it doesn't crush me when item number 27 gets done before item 7. Some of my lists are not written down on paper, they are just floating in my head. Most likely, you won't see me with a list of things to buy at the supermarket. But I do believe in the power of written lists. It makes you accomplish tasks. I've crossed off many a list in the past.

Today I came across a news story on tv about how a mother is coping with the loss of her daughter in the 9/11 tragedy. After the attacks, she received most of her daughters' belongings, including her daughter's laptop. Yet it is only recently, after 5 long years, did she turn on that laptop. To her surprise, her daughter started a list of 100 goals in life. Unfortunately, the list was cut short at number 39.

As I was visiting a friend's blog, I was surprised to see her list of 100 things to do. It was her birthday and she was updating her list, crossing off those which are done and noting down which are in the pipeline.

These 2 occcurences today make me wonder......should I make a list for myself?

I know I should.


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