Life Lists

It's another weekend. I'm thankful I've reached another one. Yet, somehow, weekends are hazy. I welcome it as a time to slow down, relax and just be. But I agonize on what to do.

A month ago, I came across a saying, that said, we are "human beings not human doings." This came to me back to back, one after the other. I read it first then someone said to me on two different occasions. I had to stop and ponder. What now? What is this saying?

Have I forgotten how to be that I fill my hours with to do lists? Lists are great. I remember writing a while back that I have to put my Big List for my life together. Lists give you direction and a great sense of accomplishment when done. Lists give you structure in life. And I could go on and on....yet, also, this could all just be busyness. Stuff to fill in the hours. Stuff to make time pass faster.

Lists are tools to help me reach my purpose in life, or a goal in life. The main focus should not be on lists but on LIFE.

So, here I am faced with another weekend. Sure I've got things to do and things planned, but I'm throwing the plans and to do's up in the air, using it as a guide, not a measure. I'll try to be this weekend.

As they say, take time to smell the flowers......


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