Aaron Brown

The news. It is negative, hardly anything positive on it. It keeps you posted but it make you cynical, too. But poetic? News?

Yes. Newsnight with Aaron Brown. I noticed it one night while I had him on without really paying attention. My ear caught him. I was listening to the sounds he was saying, not really the news he was delivering. His news is artfully written and very - not dramatically - but carefully spoken. I can feel he wasn't just stating the facts of an event, like any newsreader does. He was capturing that event and re-painting it in my mind. He is one news reader who knows how to pause, as if reading a bed time story.

His tribute to Peter Jennings got me hooked. He used to work with Peter at ABC before transferring to CNN and he produced a very personal and touching piece. He admits Peter helped him hone his writing skills. It shows, it is very different.

It is getting your dose of hard and negative news softly, gently, nicely.


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